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Contact Us
Jan 19
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm CST
In Person, includes dinner
January is the month that we honor two great spiritual leaders: Brahma Baba – the founder of Brahma Kumaris and Martin Luther King – American theologian and social activist.
3 Saturdays
Feb 15, 22 and March 1
10:00 am – 1:00 pm CST
On Zoom
This 3 session course presents a method of meditating along with guided meditation practice and the introduction of spiritual principles.
Every Monday through Friday
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm CST
In Person & On Zoom
Welcome to our Sanctuary of Peace, a safe place where you can ease your mind and restore your strength.
The most important journey we can take is the journey within. This is a journey to the truth of who we really are. There is a place, beyond everyday consciousness, where spiritual empowerment begins. Spiritual power enables us to choose creative thinking rather than automated thinking, response rather than reaction, and peace, love and harmony rather than stress, conflict and chaos.
Meditation is the laboratory for the inner journey. Meditation helps us disconnect from old and damaging habits of thinking, feeling and reacting. The quality of our attitudes, actions, and interactions improves.
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